Julia On the Beach - Photographer Joakim Karlsson
Monday, October 21, 2019
Joakim Karlsson was born in a small Swedish town in the spring of 1979. Growing up, he was fond of music and played in various rock bands. In the 9th grade, he first discovered his passion for photography while taking a short photo course. He learned to shoot with film and focus manually, as the cameras had no automatic functions. Photography was never a realistic career choice until 2007.
It was then that he became inspired by portrait and fashion photography. Never having had any professional photo training, Joakim was forced to learn everything the hard way on his own. Fortunately, he got to experience all the mistakes himself, which created and developed his own unique shooting style. For years, he used his talents to primarily shoot fashion.
For the last 3 years, Joakim has been exploring sensual art and nude photography. He travel all over the world learning new techniques and expanding his skillset, pushing photographic boundaries and teaching professionals through tutorials and workshops.
Model Julia...
Lightning Photographer
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